‘Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord ? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.’ Psalms 24:3-4
A community of authentic fellowship and spiritual growth. We want to see Young Adults love God and love each other. To encourage and challenge one another to seek His kingdom and to grow in our faith so that our lives may show Christ dwelling in us.
Every Monday Night at 7:00pm at the Teng’s (North Delta, Sunshine Hills area)
Contact: evanstrainbc@gmail.com
The Tengs
Come play board games with the most competitive young adults you'll ever meet, have some awesome snacks and bring whatever PG games you want...
The Tengs
The Tengs
Every 3rd Sunday the Teng's host us for lunch at their house, it's open to any young adults interested and sometimes overlaps with the Formu...
The Tengs
Most weekends there is a Formula 1 race which the young adults get together to watch, most of us are new fans and just enjoy spending time t...